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SHARE accepts donations of new and gently used seasonal clothing, shoes and household linens and provides them free of charge to Share neighbors. The Clothing and Linen Room is co-located with the Food Pantry in the McLean Baptist Church.  


​Clothing donations are sorted by volunteers by size and gender.  Shoppers choose what they need.​


Donations can be placed in the storage bins outside Door #8 of the McLean Baptist Church at any time.  Our volunteers empty the sheds daily.

How to Help


  • We ask that you only donate clothes in-season (i.e. shorts in the summer, coats in the winter) because our space is limited.  


  • We need volunteers to help manage the clothing rooms every Wednesday and Saturday.  If you are interested, please visit our volunteer page.


  • One of the most effective ways to collect needed clothing and linens for Share is to hold a drive at your school, business, community or religious organization.  Students can receive community service credits for organizing a drive.  


  • SHARE cannot accept donations between mid-December and mid-January.  Our vounteers deserve a holiday break!   Please hold your donations until after the holiday season.  



Items in Demand
  • Spring/Summer Clothing – (April to September) pants, blouses, polo shirts, men’s t-shirts, dresses, skirts, shorts, active wear.

  • Fall/Winter ClothingOctober to March) Winter coats, gloves, hats, sweaters, polar fleeces, sweatshirts, boots, scarves.

  • New adult and children’s t-shirts, underwear, pajamas, active wear

  • Infant wear, trendy but appropriate pre-teen and teen clothing

  • Men’s pants, shirts and shoes

  • Men’s and Women’s clothing in XL, XXL, Plus sizes, etc.


​​Linen Needs

  • Share accepts bed linens, towels, blankets, bedspreads, and comforters that are new or gently used, clean and reusable.   â€‹Linens should be bagged and marked with bed size.  

Share's Clothing Room

Visitors to Share’s clothing pantry are greeted with a meticulously organized room featuring racks of clothing sorted by gender and age. What may not be immediately apparent is the dedicated effort of eight volunteers who invest countless hours to ensure the room maintains this pristine appearance. This team inspects every donation to determine if it is damaged, soiled, stained, or out of season.  











Because there is limited space, only items that are in good condition and appropriate for the season are available in the clothing room. Unusable items are directed to Amvets; high quality out-of-season clothing is stored for future use; and upscale fashion items are sold to consignment shops to generate funds for clothing room needs.


A very warm thanks to all our committed volunteers who come in weekly to make the Clothing Room look so amazing!  And, while we sincerely appreciate the generous donations from our community, we request that only gently used, seasonal clothing be donated. Items such as used lingerie, sleepwear, suits, and ties are not in demand by our clients.  However, we gratefully accept new underwear and socks for any gender or age.

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